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Prague Castle and Hradcany

Prague Castle is the most popular sight visited in Prague. It is the largest ancient castle in the world (570 m long, on average 128 m wide, area 7.28 hectares).
Constructed in the 9th century by Prince Bořivoj, the castle transformed itself from a wooden fortress surrounded by earthen bulwarks to the imposing form it has today. Rulers made their own additions so there is a mixture of styles. Prague castle has had four major reconstructions, but it keeps its classical facelift it took on in the 18 century during the reign of Maria Theresa.

The castle has three courtyards and it has always been the seat of Czech rulers as well as the official residence. Allow at least half a day (it does not include time for museum visits) if you want to examine it in depth.

Chapel of the Holy Cross (kaple sv. Kříže)
Picture Gallery of Prague Castle (Obrazárna Pražského hradu)
Imperial Stables (Císařská konírna)
The Spanish Hall (Španělský sál)
Rudolf Gallery (Rudolfova galerie)
St Vitus Cathedral (Katedrála Sv. Víta)
Old Royal Palace (Starý Královský Palác)
Mihulka Powder Tower (Prašná věž)
Convent of St George (Klášter Sv. Jiří)
Basilika of St George (Bazilika Sv. Jiří)
Royal Garden (Královská zahrada)
Ball-Game House (Míčovna)
Summer Palace (Letohrádek)
Riding School (Jízdárna)
Golden Lane (Zlatá ulička)
White Tower (Bílá věž)
Daliborka Tower (Daliborka)
Lobkowicz Palace (Lobkovický palác)
Toy Museum (Muzeum hraček)
Schwarzenberg Palace (Švancenberský palác)
Archbishp's Palace (Arcibiskupský palác)
Sternberg Palace (Šternberský palác)
Černín palace (Černínský palác)
The Loreta (Loreta)
Capuchin Monastery (Kapucínský klášter)
Strahov Monastery (Strahovský klášter)